All these verses reference the word "meditate". Please read these verses and get familiar with them. These verses will show you that biblical meditation did not start with Buddha. It started with God.
Gen 24:63
Josh 1:8
Ps 4:4
Ps 27:4
Ps 63:6
Ps 77:6
Ps 77:12
Ps 119:15
Ps 119:27
Ps 119:48
Ps 119:78
Ps 119:148
Ps 143:5
Ps 145:5
Isa 33:18
Theses verses reference the word "meditates".
Ps 1:2
2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
Ps 1:2
Ps 119:23
These verses reference the word "meditation".
Job 15:4
Ps 19:14
Ps 49:3
Ps 104:34
Ps 119:97
Ps 119:99
The word meditate is not found on this list in relation to the New Testament.
Paul and the Apostles used a variety of other words to reference the inner man or the subconscious mind.
Since we have Christ's resurrection we can now renew our mind to our image in Glory. Christ's spirit has been given or revealed so we now can focus on His leading us back to our Divine nature which Paul spoke of in Rom 12 :1 and Eph 4: 22-24 . Paul in 2 Corinthians 11: 3 spoke of the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. He was speaking of the Christ in the inner man.
Keep in mind that the same Christ that was in Jesus and the Apostles is in you. Victim theology is the sin conscience doctrine taught by false teachers that makes church people feel like victims who will always sin and live in depression and defeatism. They teach you that you are sick and weak and then sell you books and tapes that claim to help you get free from your sins, knowing all alone they will teach another sermon to reinforce the sin conscience doctrine which will lead to more guilt and condemnation so you will buy more books and tapes. 2 Peter 2 : 18-19 "For speaking out arrogant words of vanity they entice by fleshly desires, by sensuality, those who barely escape (babes in Christ barely escape) from the ones who live in error, promising them freedom while they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved." Husbands, wives and families have been going through this loop for 20- 30 years with families falling apart. Today's Harlot church thinks this is the normal "Christian life". Jeremiah 5:31" The prophets prophesy falsely, And the priests rule on their own authority; And My people love it so! But what will you do at the end of it?"
2 Timothy 4:3 "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires." Since you don’t know how to overcome the sin and sickness, you normalize it and find a preacher or a crowd of people to feel secure in your lost state. Isaiah 47:10 "You felt secure in your wickedness and said, 'No one sees me,' Your wisdom and your knowledge, they have deluded (deceived) you; For you have said in your heart, 'I am, and there is no one besides me.’ (You have now declared yourself to be God) and now becoming arrogant and lying against the truth about your condition. James 3:14.
If we are walking in spiritual adultery or harlotry, then read James 4:1-10 which speaks of humbling ourselves and repenting of loving the world. The Spirit that He has made to be formed in you will never be revealed as long as you are in the flesh with a mind of a worldly church goer.
This modality is a type of meditation or mind renewing technique that is very foreign to this western culture. Once it is fully understood, you may never need to pick up another book. Because in Him is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge Col 2: 2-3. The harlot has corrupted our minds and the temple we live in. It is the abomination that makes desolation. By His mercy we are barely waking up from sleep.
I am working on teaching this technique in my up coming seminars.
You must still your spirit and become the observer. Ask the Lord to reveal your heart and be still and wait for Him to speak. He is there to lead you to repentance and into the knowledge of Himself. Unforgiveness, fear and trauma must be confessed. A lot of these past encounters are locked in the soul of the individual and assistance may be needed in order to become free. Much of your blockage to go forward comes from your mind not being renewed from the past old dead man.
You have to meditate on His Love for you. This is the only way you will face the monsters inside you. They are not you, but they are strong and you cannot face them without Christ's love. But you did let them in to live in you and control you. You failed to die to your flesh. "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free," Jesus said. They are blocking you from knowing the truth about who you really are.
This soul searching is very deep. BET, Hulu, Netflix, HBO, etc. are all tools of the devil to keep your mind occupied away from Christ within. These forms of entertainment are not of God but of the flesh. To be fleshly minded is death (which is fear, greed, gossip, self idolatry, porn, lust, pride, etc. ). The powers of darkness know how to trigger things in your heart. They know you well. They do this because they have to feed their families inside you and they get stronger every time. In 2 Peter 2:3 Peter said their destruction is not asleep. This invisible enemy is not asleep. He is feasting on destroying you while you are enjoying yourself in the pleasures of the world (2 Peter 1:4) with your false Christ.

You have to observe your emotions and reactions to others and ask yourself, "What do I want from this person?" This person refuses to give something to me, something I want from them (God's Love). I have to come to the point of recognizing that they are in bondage and they can’t give it to me (God's love). I have to die to my demands, desires and expectation and see this person, who is rejecting me, as a person who needs to be loved (By God's love in me). I will not only see that they need love but I need love. When I am healed then I can see how to heal others. The reason why you sit around and play games all day and watch TV is because you are in the flight mode. You are afraid of letting God show you how much of a religious monster you have become. You need healing.
The devil uses people to sow seeds that I am an unloving person and I began to live out their sowing into my heart instead of living out Christ's love for me in my heart. What ever you are sowing you are reaping. You have to get in the warfare and stop letting people reprogram your subconscious mind to hate yourself. The fears and bad feelings come from ego and unhealthy emotions towards oneself. The devil triggers those negative emotions all the time. You have to die to them. They are tied to your desires and wants. They can be tied to your past. Remember Psalm 23 "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." This will get very painful but this is suffering in the flesh to cease from sin (1 Pet 4:1). The enemy will detect what you are doing and turn up the fire on you with situations and people to make you come alive and forsake your inner path. You are not rejected by God. He loves you. The more you stay on your face before God with prayer, fasting and meditation, the stronger you will be to not only see the enemy but defeat him. The demons are not all in Africa as many people believe. Today in America and around the world they have learned to shape shift and refine their appearance. They are walking around in man's body driving expensive cars and looking polished. They have had 2,000 years since Christ to study us and masquerade as us. They have taken over the churches and are preaching through man a false Christ. They have taken their seat in the temple of God, making themselves out to be God. They have gotten control over our food industry and our water. They are polluting our air and water through man. They control our politicians. 1 John 5:19 says, “ We know that we are of God and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.” The whole world is in a trance state operating in an altered reality totally deceived to their real spiritual state. This power of the evil one is a program or a belief system. It keeps man asleep in the critical brain or reptile brain (ego) and blocks you from the inner man who is Christ. In this way the evil one can take over human bodies and fulfill their plans on earth without us detecting them. This is like the Oculus virtual reality game headset. The subconscious mind does not know the difference between what is real and what is not. When you put on the VR headset, the subconscious reads the visual program environment as reality and you experience real fear, murder, hate, joy, sadness etc. You have a real experience.
If you want to stop this experience, then take off the headset. You are going to experience in the VR headset what ever the programmer programmed in the game. John was saying the whole world is looking at life through the Flesh VR headset which is of the evil one. He, Satan, wrote the program. The body of sin has distorted our true reality of Self and God. Satan's program was written so we will experience a life without God's love and joy. This is the matrix you are in. If you want to stop this experience, then take off the flesh VR program.
Die to self and the flesh.Your flesh is the VR transmitter. Turn from this wicked world. Renew your mind to your true Divine nature within. This Divine nature is your real self, the true program that Jesus spoke of. He called it the Kingdom of God within you.

Satan is entering a new program for this VR game of life. He is bringing it through the false harlot church: Christian assisted suicide. If they can’t look to the life of Christ to heal themselves from PTSD or Bipolar disorder, etc., then they look to death to relieve themselves from mental pain. Since people are hearing about pastors (who they claim are spirit filled) killing themselves, then the obvious conclusion many are tricked into believing is that self murder is of God. 1 John 3:15 says, "and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in Him”. Since they do not acknowledge the truth that demons, in their mind, are trying to take over their body, they would rather kill themselves. This is subtle but young people are being encouraged that this is an option. Just because a man is preaching in the pulpit does not make him saved. We are so gullible in thinking that everybody in church is saved. When a pastor kills himself, the church is in shock as to how to explain this to so many children and family members. A deceived deacon in the church would stand up and say to the church that the pastor loved the Lord. People who know their bible would say if He loved God, he would have kept His commandment which says in Matt 22:37-40
" 'YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.' 38 "This is the great and foremost commandment. 39 "The second is like it, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.' 40 " On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets." And in Romans 13:9 and 10 says, "The commandments, "You shall not commit adultery, "You shall not murder," "You shall not steal," "You shall not covet," and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself." Love does no wrong to a neighbor. Therefore, love is the fulfillment of the law" (NASU). The question then is how could a man who loves God with all his mind , soul, and heart and being, allow his mind to be overtaken to kill or murder himself? When the Bible clearly says that a man who loves God loves his neighbor as Himself. Note what Paul says in Eph 5:28-30: "He who loves his own wife loves himself; 29 for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ also does the church, 30 because we are members of His body. vs 29 no one ever hated his own flesh." I have encountered PTSD and Bipolar disorder when taking a person through deliverance. A common symptom in both is they hate their flesh or they want out of the pain the body is bringing them. One strong prince I encountered was self hatred that came from childhood. There is tremendous hatred, bitterness and self rejection that comes with suicide. Now the deacon can stand on the Word of God and say that the pastor who was preaching at the church perished. He was not Spirit filled. Let God be true and every man a liar. At least the people in the church who have yet to understand Christ within would not see killing themselves as an option. People have to repent of the doctrines that allow demons to have access to their minds. Not only that, where in the new testament do you see any believer killing themselves? People are writing new doctrines to support their fleshly lifestyle. They allow their life experiences (of failing to overcome sin) to interpret the bible instead of letting the bible's teachings (power over all sin) dictate how to live. They develop faith in their life experiences over faith in God's word. I can sell you how to, self help books all day long making you comfortable in your unrepentant state.
2 Timothy 3:7 (KJV) “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” People better be careful. You are allowing your experiences, the culture and the changing of the times attempt to rewrite the Bible. Jesus said heaven and earth will pass away but my Word will never pass away.
Paul said in Eph 6:12 that "Our struggle is not against flesh and blood (humans), but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places" (while in the body).
This may sound strange to you but I will say it anyway. The human body was designed to house God. God is in the heavens but He can manifest inside and through the human body. The human body is wired and designed as a jump gate from the heavens into our reality. If a person doesn't present their body as a holy, living sacrifice to God (Rom 12-1-2) then demons in heavenly places will use the body to manifest in man here on earth.
John 10:10 (NAS) Jesus speaking of the devil.”The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." Many are so blind, all the abortion, all the destroying of families and peoples' lives. All the diseases that are killing people everyday in America and around the world has direct ties to demons. And you thought that all the demons are in Africa. Many are so deceived by the principalities (Archons) that rule America. Paul made it very clear that sin was in the human body. Romans 7:23-25 , Rom 8:10. In 1 John 3:8 says, "... sin is of the devil." All sin has a direct link to demons. But He said that one who is born of the Spirit can master it. Rom 6:12 “Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lust.” Note that the text says the sin has lust that can be obeyed. The lust the sin has is not your lust because you love God more than you love sins' lust. So you can master it.
This may sound strange to you. But notice what Isaiah said about men walking the earth in his day. Isaiah 59:16 “And He saw that there was no man, And was astonished that there was no one to intercede;.” What did Isaiah mean? There are a lot of people today who believe that the souls of humans on this earth have been vanquished and demons have incarnated themselves into the souls of man, making themselves out to look and sound like men. You may think you are dealing with flesh and blood (humans) but you are dealing with Archon and Draconian forces that may possess your wife, husband, children, friends, political rivals, etc. If you have been trained by the harlot church, then wicked behavior will seem normal to you. You are so transfixed on your “Call of Duty" games, Grand Theft Auto, Overwatch, Fortnite, etc. And your HBO, Netflix, BET, and Hulu, and your overindulgence and time consuming use of Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter that train you to see wickedness as normal. The powers of darkness are masters in deceiving people. You love and crave and want to see your favorite Hollywood actors not recognizing that these people are pedophiles, fornicators, blasphemers and idolaters. You won’t see the devil in them because you are in bed (are in agreement with) with them while thinking you are saved. This kind comes out only by prayer and fasting Jesus said. We are living in the great apostasy now. American and European churches are dead. It's time to repent and leave the happy harlot lifestyle. Be strong in the Lord and the spirit of His Might. Live a peaceful life and work quietly with your own hands. Seek God with a whole heart. God bless you.