Our audios are several hours long so we suggest you listen to it in hour intervals each day so you can stay fresh, alert, and maximize your learning throughout each tape. This audio player on our site is free from suggestions, adds, and other content that most third party website bring.

In these audio archives, you’ll find a wealth of materials that will encourage, instruct, and bless you. You can listen to any or all of these teachings for free. Consider supporting us by donation or via our many product offers in the store. The store offers these same messages in CD, DVD, book, or study guide format. Audio teachings make it convenient to listen to teaching while driving on the road, working out, or simply needing to listen to something hands free. We know these and many more tapes to come will help you will develop the mind of Christ, discover the amazing promises of God, and know the truth of Christ within You. Whether you are Growing and over coming or wrestling with your faith or just needing edification, these teachings will minister to you.
So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17 NKJV